Monday, September 29, 2008

CH. 5

"Shared horizons of meaning" to me is being open to people from different backgrounds, and open to new people with different personalities than your used to.  As a first year student I have met so many people from different backgrounds with completely different personalities because I have an open mind. The best way to meet people is to let your guard down and just be open to new personalities. This is completely different from high school where most people judge the facade and rarely take the time to find out what the inside is like.  Anyways the shared horizons of meaning are that these different people can meet and start relationships.  This means that people who may not necessarily agree on certain topics can still be friends. 

Your ethnic background, hometown culture, and gender are a direct correlation to how you feel about certain values. The way that you were brought up determines how you feel about moral values.  The people that you grew up around will probably have similar views to you.  However there are exceptions; for example I grew up in a pretty  rural area with several republicans, and I am pretty liberal.  So people can stray away from the exact values of the people they grew up with. 

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