Tuesday, September 2, 2008

DSP Class

Hey guys this is my first official blog... ever! I am a little unsure of how this is going to work out but I think I will get the hang of it soon, hopefully.

 I really liked the activity we did today in class. I found it very entertaining and interesting. When I went to go visit the Beta group I was bombarded with a new culture that was very different from that of the Alpha's. It was nice to simulate such different cultures and attempt to interact! 

I also started reading the book for class, and would just like to know if anyone else finds themselves having to reread a couple sections? The book is interesting, but I find myself getting lost and then rereading...

See you guys in class!
-Lu Sporg


Reecie Foxtrot said...

Hey Lu!
I felt the same way as you did when I entered the Beta culture... it was fun. As for the book, its alot of information, so i do find myself re-reading some of the paragraphs, but i thought it was just me cause i tend to do that when reading books like that... lol. But i do find the book very interesting.
Anyways, see you in class!

LandRe said...

Hey! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog entry! I haven't started the reading yet, but I'm sure that since so many others are having to re-read certain parts I will too. I tend to read pretty slow anyway, cause' I try to picture every sentence, or get the feel of a piece while reading.
Thanks again and good luck with your blogging!

charlie0801 said...

hey! I'm just randomly commenting because I can. I just wanted to say that Alpha's are better. haha

see you in class tomorrow!

Mianna Turbo said...

You and i both to new about becomming a new officall blogger!
well good look with it.
Meanna T.

Elle Raghilda said...

I loved the beta and alpha exercise in class the other day too!
