Monday, September 22, 2008


Hey everyone!

The place I set for home is the first place that I went to at Second Life. I feel the safest there and have several friends in the community. There I can talk freely with my friends and grow as a Second Life character. This is a place where I test out my skills, like flying, dancing, creating groups, and initiating conversations. I work out all the kinks there, that way when I teleport to other islands I can work smoothly, and hopefully not offend anyone. However I have learned several new skills in other places, like accepting gifts, and talking to people from other places. 

I joined "The International Back Line" group! I am really excited about it! We have a solid group, full of different people who each bring another asset to the table. We come from a couple different places, which naturally come with different experiences which will help our group be able to look at the situations from several angles. I feel like our backgrounds combined will allow us to really explore different islands in Second Life. We are truly a team and I think that we will work together very well. 

I am interested in getting more involved with this project, but I feel like we might need a little bit more structure to continue, we seem to be a little lost. We have plenty of enthusiasm, but are a little fuzzy on the direct task at hand.

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