Monday, November 24, 2008

Another Interview

So I conducted my fourth interview today! It was great because the guy that I interviewed was an Anthropology major! He was great! He was not to excited to be interviewed at first, but I was charming, so he came around.  He does not really come to the library that much, pretty much only when he needs to, but that's ok. He is a senior, and is very academically disciplined, he is not like most kids who come to the library and plan to study but end up spending most of their time on facebook.  He was very nice, and was  the first person I interviewed that was a complete stranger. I was really nervous! I still feel really awkward asking people all of these questions. 

He was also the first person that I interviewed that was not a freshman. This made his situation totally different from everyone else that I have interviewed, because it is a lot more convenient for freshman whole live on campus to come to the library- but he has to make an effort to go to the library to study and work. I think this is why he is so much more productive than most other students that come here, he even said that when he comes here he "comes for a purpose, so I works the whole time." For students who live on campus coming to the library is not as much of a deal because it is a simple couple minute walk from south campus.  So people come to the library to socialize more when they live on campus I think, when they live off campus- I think those are more productive students (this is just a generalization).

1 comment:

LandRe said...

You are charming!! haha! I would love to see the interview you had with him! And also, how was class on tuesday?? O.o?