Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So now that I have been at my designated area, I have to begin to form questions for interviews. I am some what nervous for the actual interview. There is a good variety of people for me to interview here, but I am not really sure what to expect out of the interview. I know that they people that I will be interviewing will be working for the most part, and they probably won't mind answering some questions for me, but I am interested to see how people respond- how similar or different their answer will be. I also hope that they don't think I am a creeper for asking them so many questions. I feel like the interview is so thorough, I think I might have to try to focus more on certain topics, not as many personal questions. Personal questions make me as an interviewer feel awkward and I think that they will make the person answering feel awkward. So I think I am going to try to ask a lot of questions, but make it slightly informal, I think that way people will feel more comfortable answering questions, and in return may tell me more because they feel more comfortable. I do not want it to sound like I am not going to ask all the necessary questions because I will, I just want to make the person who is answering my questions feels comfortable so they will tell me more. I also don't want to seem like a creeper, so I will try to be professional and chill, if possible.

Does anyone else feel slightly creepy with this project?

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