Monday, November 17, 2008


So I conducted my first interview today. I was shy, so I interviewed a friend. She was willing to help, and this was a good way for me to start out. I was able to build some confidence with the first interview, I am easing my way into this assignment. I am nervous to go up to complete strangers and just start interviewing them. That is just a little weird for me. I do not know, I just feel like a creeper when I am like "Hey I am studying the social environment of this area- can I interview you?".  I know it is not really that weird, but I just feel slightly uncomfortable. So to try to make myself more comfortable I interviewed an acquaintance first.

I do find the results of the interview interesting, besides my previous statements. I think that it is interesting that people do become territorial of their spaces. Some people are more than others. For example I have noticed that some people always come to the third floor to study- but not necessarily in the same spot. Some people need to study in the same spot every time, but others just come to study on the third floor- it does not really matter where. I think it is kind of amusing that people become so territorial over a public place. 

I have also noticed that people stick together and rarely branch out to talk to new people. The only way people talk to others is generally if they have a question and realize that they are both studying the same topic. 

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