Monday, September 22, 2008

SL Community

The name of our group is "The International Back Line". We are a solid team! 
My personal role is as a recorder. As a recorder I plan on mostly keeping track of our progress by blogging (I think that is what I am suppose to do...) I also plan on participating with the rest of my group while we explore Amsterdam, I am not one to just sit back and watch things happen. I have plenty of gumption, but I know when to use it and when not to. While recording what happens while we explore I will also attempt to keep track of who does what. I think that these are basically all of my obligations as the recorder. If anyone else knows if I am suppose to be doing something else please let me know. Also if I said that I was going to do something that I'm not suppose to feel free to let me know. We have decided who will have direct interaction, observer, and team planner. We are starting off on the right foot.

We have decided to explore Amsterdam.  It seems like a pretty cool place! This was also a place where we found several people to interact with each time we went there. We wanted to pic a place where we could walk around and discover objects and places and people in their culture. 

We have all agreed on our positions and are comfortable with them, for the most part. We are good at working together, and we have been polite towards each other so far (haha lets hope that lasts, just kidding yeah Back Line!).  I think that we will be able to work together nicely. We have a people with a strong technology background, charm, and people who can take charge when necessary. We have agreed to listen to each other and respect each other.

Go "The International Back Line!"

1 comment:

LandRe said...

Hey, Rupert! ^.^ I didn't even think to explain what each person should do with their position. But all of the things you listed sound like good recording duties. And by all means, you don't have to just sit back and watch!! We're all observers, but our enlisted duties come primarily.
I'm glad you think we're getting off to a good start! If there's anything else you think we should do or if you have ideas, please tell me! i need all the help I can get as planner...